Monday we decided that it was time that
we go to Central Market and look for cool things to buy. Elder Cuong and I
ended up buying two of the coolest hammocks and for only 6 dollars #Bargain.
Next we went to visit a recent convert family. The mom of the
family is Co Nhien. She is really interesting and says some of the funniest
things. She just so happens to love everything Japanese, including me because I
always get snacks from her :). Anyways, she was asking us about animals from
America and other places. She started talking about animals in Japan and stuff
and she asked me about the "Big Dragon". She said that it lives in
Japan and terrorizes the people. The other Elders told her that it doesn't
exist. She argued back saying that it did exist because she saw it in the
movie. Finally she asked me... since I lived in Japan. I didn't have the heart to
crush her dreams by telling her that Godzilla doesn't exist, so I told her that
Godzilla was really sneaky and that I have never seen it before. She seemed
satisfied with that answer.
Tuesday was
nothing out of the ordinary. We contacted a ton after District meeting and that
was about it. It rained super hard and we couldn't go outside.
Wednesday we
taught two more recent converts and then we received a surprise call from the
Assistants asking us to come to a special Conference that night. We went and it
was so cool! We had the presidency of Church History there in the Stake center.
They all gave talks and some great advice. They talked about the importance of
keeping records for our posterity. They committed all of us to write in our
journals more often. It was really cool.
Thursday we
had to cut our studies in half because we got a call that we had to interview
with President Moon. For some reason like half of the missionaries are scared
of the president here. I think he is like super nice. My interview went really
well and he gave me some really great advice. Then we went out contacting and
for lunch we decided to try out this place that we found out by the national
museum. It’s called Cartel and it sells like burritos and tacos. I was really
surprised how Americanized it was. It reminded me a lot of Costa Vida, plus
they were playing the Beatles so I couldn't complain. The food was pretty good.
so Friday we had to go to the dentist office again for a check up on
the stuff that happened the previous week. It wasn't too lame because this time
they gave us juice and we got to put on some cool white crocs. After that we
headed over to teach a family. I made it a weekly goal to participate even more
in lessons, and this time I ended up teaching the whole thing. It is kind of
stressful, but I am glad that my companions give me those kinds of
opportunities. Then it was raining super hard so we took refuge inside the
church. That day we had planned to meet with a youth who is preparing for a
mission, but we couldn't get a hold of him and we assumed he wouldn't be able
to meet. To our surprise, he came walking into the church and said he had time
for a lesson. We shared a scripture that I read in personal study that reminded
me of when I was preparing to leave. D&C 52:33. We tried to pump him
up as much as we could and I think it worked because since then he has already
started on his papers and met with President Moon. It blows my mind that I
could serve with him.
Saturday was
a blast! We taught an investigator in the morning and came home to study. It
started raining really hard so we took that time to make Banana Bread for our
investigators! It was a lot of fun.
Then that night we were asked to come and help
at a Halloween Party that the Youth had set up. This is really cool because it
is the first time that the members prepared and planned everything without the
missionaries help. Some of the people who helped plan were two brothers. These
two boys are part of a dance crew that works with the Step Up movies. When we
got to the church, there was around a hundred people there and even more kept
piling in. It was so wild. I must say, there were a lot of immodest costumes
and kids who dressed like Justin Bieber, but all in all it was really cool. I
was so proud that the Youth put it all together so well. We shared for a little
bit and they had prepared a sort of haunted house thing. The Elders went
through first to see if everything was appropriate. We went with all the kids
who were there. I guess some girls jumped in the back of our group because we
were about half way through and some random girl tried to like grab my arm and
stuff. I freaked out and like pushed her into the next room and ran back to my
companion. I was more scared of her than of the haunted house. Yikes. I think everyone
enjoyed it a lot, and after we left I guess they had a huge dance off. I saw a
video that one of the members took. I think the whole dance crew showed up
because there were a lot of dancers in the video. It was actually pretty cool.

Well there is my week for you! Thanks everyone and I hope you
all have the Spookiest Halloween Ever ;)
Elder Morris