Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Week 36: All is well, so don't worry

This week was a roller coaster of stress and stuff! All is well, so don't worry.

Monday we just had a stellar p day. Went bowling again for an elder's birthday. I lost this time which was a bummer. I knew I just hit a stroke of luck last time. Then we had a great lesson with our less active family we are focusing on, they are great. Came to church this Sunday too! Woo hoo. 

Tuesday we had district meeting which was amazing because I forgot to mention that the power went out Monday night which made for the most uncomfortable sleep I have had in years. It was like sleeping in a sauna. So, with little sleep and even less time I planned the lesson for district meeting in the dark. I lit a candle too.

Wednesday was really good! We had a bunch of busy work and stuff to do. We went to about 7 members houses sharing a little bit and also getting information we needed to update because I have a goal to have the best looking CBR and Area books in the Viet Program. So far so good. Then we had English class which was kind of a bust, one person. It was rough, but we have made some great plans to turn things around in a jiffy. 

Thursday was weekly planning! It went well even though we still had no power. By this time we knew that all of our food had gone bad :( So we just ate noodles and bread. After that we had to go and pick up the elders who came in for Visas. My old companion elder Pham! haha they are a blast to have around. Then we had to meet and coordinate with the sisters on some records and things and them show them the house of another member. They last minute asked us if we had time to give a blessing for a really sick less active member. We went out pretty far and gave the blessing. We blessed her that she would have strength enough to come to church and live according to the gospel. 

Friday we went out and began telling everyone that we were going to have district conference this sunday and that they needed to come. So after we did all of that we got a call from the other sisters to give a blessing. It was really nice but something about giving blessings like always drained the life out of me. Anyways! Got a call from our investigator saying that she needed to meet with us. We tried to share a lesson with her but she was really in the mood to talk about her work and stuff. It was a hard lesson but she is still reading and praying. 

Saturday was really good. after studies we went out and met with one of our members and committed them to come to both sessions of district conference and then we contacted a bit and visited some more members and then made our way over to the church for district conference. It was awesome. President Moon came and shared and everyone really enjoyed it. We saw most of our less actives there and they were all so happy! After we had an appointment scheduled with our investigator anh long. It was an amazing lesson and he accepted a baptismal date for the 12th of next month! 

Sunday was a big day! Power was back on, district conference, and transfer calls were coming that night! Well we got to the church after the most stressful time helping three different members figure out a way to get to church and giving them directions to get there. It was wild and we made it just before it started. Sweaty and trying to pull my suit jacket on, they asked me to translate for the conference! It is possibly one of the scariest things ever translating for President Moon!

It went OK though and then after we came home and studied. Ate some food and went out to teach a lesson to our investigator. We shared lesson one and she is starting to find a love for the scriptures. It is amazing to see that change happen in people's lives. Last night, we received transfer calls. I am going to white wash Branch 3. That is the area I started in almost 7 months ago. Also, I am to be Zone Leader over the three branches here in Cambodia. President Moon's words went something like, "Well Elder Morris, looks like you'll be flying this one solo."  I will not have a co zone leader. That is gonna be a super big challenge, but I am ready for it. Thanks so much for everything! I love you all so much and hope you all have an amazing week! 

Elder Morris 

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